The new naturalness - Hiby RS8 Flagship DAP
This year was definitely full of exciting new Head-Fi products, but a few really surprised me. 😱
Great expectations...
My most anticipated product of 2022 was definitely the Cayin N8ii DAP. After the great and very successful R01 module for Cayins N6ii, my love for R2R was completely ignited. When Cayin announced their new flagship, the N8ii, I was sure it would be a R2R flagship DAP that would outshine everything that had come before (including the L&P P6 PRo).
...and small disappointments
Then the first details came to light and I was disappointed. NO R2R! 😵😣
How would the N8ii beat the N6ii-R01 without the R2R DAC? With the R01 module, the N6ii had overtaken the old N8 in terms of sound in my eyes (or ears) and the new N8ii should now come onto the market without the R2R come, but with a conventional DAC?
Then finally the time had come and all my doubts were completely dispelled after the first notes: The N8ii was and is a masterpiece of a DAP. Instead of R2R, they gave it a dual ROHM DAC, which is otherwise only used in extremely expensive desktop hi-fi - plus balanced tubes and a great amp section.
Everything is fine...
All of this makes the N8ii probably the most versatile and customizable DAP of all time - and one of the best in the world in terms of sound. From now on, the N8ii was my daily companion when listening to music and a workhorse for assessing and comparing other components.
But a little sadness remained in my heart because I couldn't quite let go of the thought of an Android flagship R2R DAP.
...and gets even better
Then suddenly, in September of this year, the first pictures and information appeared on head-fi.org, which an attentive and loyal customer sent me and asked when I could buy the product. I was immediately hooked and learned from Hiby that the Hiby RS8 - their new R2R-DAP flagship, would be coming onto the market at the end of November. I couldn't wait!
And finally the time has come - the RS8 is here and it immediately blew me away in every way. But enough words - let's take a closer look at the good piece. The following pictures are from the "Launch Edition", which exclusively includes a leather case that will not be included in the "normal" edition.

Ok, that thing looks incredibly good and is simply perfectly crafted - titanium, leather, fabric - what more could you want? 😍
But what does it sound like? This time I would like to not only describe my own impressions but also let some of our customers have their say - and we'll also see what the professionals think about it in order to give you all a better impression .
My first impression
I had read that the RS8 should be run in for up to 200 hours in order for it to develop its full potential - so I was cautiously optimistic...
...and was blown away by his first notes! 😵😱
The first word that came to mind was "Naturalness". This DAP just sounds incredibly natural and organic. I immediately grabbed my Cayin N8ii and started an A/B test.
The result: Both DAPs play at the same, highest level and together are the two best DAPs in the world.
The differences: The N8ii sounds "brighter" overall, so it has a little more treble extension than the RS8, which at first glance could be confused with more resolution. However, repeatedly switching between the two DAPs made me realize that the amount of detail, i.e. resolution, that both are capable of reproducing is pretty much the same.
While the N8ii sounds a bit crisper, crisper and tighter, the RS8 counters with a naturalness and effortlessness, an organic, almost analogue reproduction that is second to none and cannot hide even from large R2R desktop solutions needs - on the contrary, he is at the same level. The N8ii's bass is also a bit faster and crisper, but the RS8's has more texture and "digs deeper".
All in all, after my short time with the RS8 so far, I come to the conclusion that this device is the biggest surprise of 2022 for me.
Hiby gave me what I was hoping for from Cayin: an absolute flagship R2R device in pocket size that completely convinced me in every respect, be it workmanship, presentation, sound and future security (Android 12!). Bravo Hiby!
Oh yes, so far I have tested mainly with the new Empire Ears x Astell&Kern Odyssey IEMs - they fit the RS8 perfectly!
"The very first words that come to mind on first hearing the RS8 are expressive, expansive, nuanced and refined There's a vibrancy to the sound that engages you almost immediately , not as an overwhelming 'shock to the senses', but rather it just sounds genuinely large, life-like and dynamic."
Reviewer - theheadphonelist.com
This is what our customers say
Patrick, Solothurn
"You would like to start with an ironic "negative" point. Namely, the thing is so beautiful that you don't want to touch it because of fingerprints. You could say that you put it in the leather case that comes with it , which is also very nice by the way, but you wouldn't be able to see it so well anymore... so you end up in a quandary ;-)
I think this says a lot about the design and the quality of workmanship, which is almost perfect. Matt titanium, which naturally has a beautiful color, as well as many perfectly defined edges, which for me as a technology freak is an absolute feast for the eyes. I also have to say that I don't know anyone who is as picky as I am when it comes to workmanship quality. XD
But now to the main part. What kind of sound does the RS8?
deliver?It should also be mentioned that the player is still new and not burned in. Experience has shown that the tone generally becomes a little more open.
As many people know, the actually “older” R-2R concept produces a more natural sound compared to the transistor version with DACs. This is also the first thing you notice when you listen to the RS8.
The most natural sound I've ever heard in an audio player. You really feel like you're there live.
I like to use the Cayin N8ii as a comparison example because I also own it and it plays in the same league. In terms of tuning, this is more on the analytical side compared to the RS8 and therefore the tone is rather brighter (this changes a little from mode to mode). That's why it doesn't sound quite as natural as the RS8. However, the details are pretty much the same height.
From a stage perspective, the RS8 beats the N8ii, with the N8ii coming close to the RS8 in tube mode, but there is still a difference. Generally speaking, with the N8ii all instruments, vocals, etc. are much closer together.
Separation, separation of the instruments...hmmmm...I would say very similar. Since the RS8 sounds a little more open / wider, it is usually a little easier for me to recognize the individual details, but the N8ii sounds a little more forward / present, which gives it an advantage in this respect. Let's see how it changes when it's burned in properly.
Another point that stands out is the dynamics. The RS8 really puts pressure on you. In short, the dynamics that this DAP reveals only further enhance the natural tone. Which means I have to mention repeatedly that I don't know of any other player that brings the live experience as close as this one."
My conclusion
These were my first impressions of the Hiby RS8. Of course, I have to say very clearly that impressions differ slightly from person to person and it always depends on which other DAPs the comparison is made with.
For me, however, I have to say very clearly that my absolute number 1 until now was the Cayin N8ii, but this has now been pushed to second place by the RS8.
I'm really impressed Hiby, this is a near perfect player. :-)
PS: All comparisons were made with the Empire Ears Odin IEM, with both players operated without any filters or acoustic adjustments.
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Zuerst danke Tom, für deinen perfekten Support ;) es war mir eine Freude dich zu treffen und den Hiby RS8 von dir persönlich entgegennehmen zu dürfen. Der neue RS8 ist nach ca. einer Woche ziemlich gut eingebrannt.
Heute habe ich endlich den Test gegen meinem Cayin N6ii/Ti mit R01 (R2R Modul) gemacht. Als Kopfhörer wurden die IEM Meze Rai Penta und ein Meze Empyrean Phönix verwendet.
Kurz und bündig, Für meine Ohren schlägt der RS8 den N6ii um Längen, ich denke das 184 gegen 96 Wiederstände im R2R Modul den Unterschied ausmachen. Die dadurch entstehende grössere Natürlichkeit gepaart mit der weiteren Bühne und dem druckvoller en Sound ergeben einen klaren Winner, den RS8. Danke Hiby. Da ich Live Aufnahmen liebe, wird man. oder frau damit in die erste Reihe von seinen musikalischen Helden versetzt. Abschliessend möchte ich noch hinzufügen, dass Hiby wahrscheinlich die Möglichkeiten ihrer Darwin II Architektur noch nicht ausgereizt hat, für mich als Techniker wird es spannend mit zu erleben wohin diese Reise geht. HF