
Josh, der Kabel Guru: Satin Audio Perseus (P)Review
Josh, the Cable Guru: Satin Audio Perseus (P)Review

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Dec 14, 2021

Nützlich und Schön! - Zubehör bei Audio Essence
Useful and beautiful! - Accessories at Audio Essence

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Dec 09, 2021

Josh, der Kabel Guru: STE MIX W16 Hybrid-Kabel Review
Josh, the Cable Guru: STE MIX W16 Hybrid Cable Review

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Dec 01, 2021

Ein bisschen Bling Bling: Eletech In-Ear Kabel
A bit of bling bling: Eletech in-ear cable

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Sep 29, 2021

Ein bisschen mehr: Plussound Upgrade-Kabel Unboxing
A little more: Plussound Upgrade Cable Unboxing

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Sep 14, 2021