Josh, the Cable Guru: Satin Audio Perseus (P)Review
Satin Audio - Perseus in detail - test report
The Satin Audio Perseus marks the beginning of a new cable series from Satin Audio called the "Warrior Series". The cable is expected to be officially available in January 2022. We would like to thank Satin Audio for the opportunity to test the cable in advance!
The Perseus is a truly impressive copper cable. In terms of sound, it not only exceeded my expectations, but it represents the new quality standard for copper cables in the price range USD/CHF 500 to 1,000.
The Perseus cable is EXCELLENT value for money and should add to anyone's IEM collection!
I've tested many cables in the past, but none have caught my attention as quickly as the Perseus. But what does the Perseus do? Overall, it brings more ENERGY into your music - it brings more musicality and engagement.
Its strengths lie in
(1) the increase in sub-bass depth and bass quality
(2) the smooth and detailed bass and
(3) the expansive sound production.
Bass texture is a focal point, and the Perseus is very good in this area. The deep bass is increased, but not to the extent that the IEM becomes a bass cannon, which was not the original intention.
As for the mids, they are still forward and come with a high level of detail.
The highs are not exaggerated, but not too relaxed either.
The combination of fantastic sub-bass, bass structure and detailed mids makes the Perseus an absolute insider tip and a cable that captivates the listener and captivates them with its music.
Many IEM manufacturers like Empire Ears create their own custom cables for their IEMs, which they test and refine extensively. I've tested many Empire Ears IEMs like the ODIN and I can tell you that the Perseus is the first cable that really challenges their custom cables. For example, it has a positive effect on the ODIN - an incredible achievement!
The following information is based solely on my thoughts, opinions and experiences listening to my IEMs with specific cables. I didn't take any measurements. Furthermore, the effect of cables varies from IEM to IEM due to their components, various factors such as source, earbuds and most importantly one's own perception of sound and sensitivity to certain frequencies. The purpose of my review is to share my own impressions and findings to share with you.
One minute summary
Below is the overall effect of the Perseus on the IEMs I paired it with compared to their standard cables. For example, the effect of the ODIN was compared to that of the Stormbreaker cable. Note the following legend:
- Green arrows indicate an increase, either in quality or quantity
- Orange arrows indicate a decrease, either in quality or quantity
- Blue bars show no change
- The plus/triangle sign indicates a significant increase or decrease.
Depending on your sonic preferences and desired results, boosts and cuts at certain frequencies can be positive or negative.For example, reducing the treble has no negative impact if you want to achieve a more relaxed treble response.
Source and earplugs
For my tests I used the Cayin N6ii Ti with the R01 board as DAP and source. For music playback, I used the Cayin Music App and the USB Audio Player APP with the integrated Tidal function with Bit Perfect mode. As earplugs I used the stock earplugs (e.g. Final E) and Spinfit CP155 plugs. My favorite combination was:
- Empire Ears ODIN + SPINFIT CP 155s + Cayin N6ii Ti w/ R01 + Satin Audio Perseus cable
I used a combination of local FLAC files and music streamed from Tidal. I listened to the following tracks to gather my impressions:
- Joel Adams - Please Don't Go [Pop]
- Illenium - Good Things Fall Apart [Pop/EDM]
- Petit Biscuit - Drivin' Thru the Night (Jai Wolf Remix) [Pop/EDM]
- ONE OK ROCK - Listen [Pop/Rock]
- ONE OK ROCK - Ich war König [Pop/Rock]
- ONE OK ROCK - Stand Out Fit In [Pop/Rock]
- Shawn Mendes - Senorita [Pop]
- Shawn Mendes - Lost in Japan [Pop]
- Hans Zimmer - Zeit [Orchestrale]
- Hans Zimmer - Why so serious? [Orchestral]
- Andrea Moti - I didn't tell them why [Jazz]
Packaging and presentation of the cable
The Perseus comes in a bombastic wooden box and is securely packed in a hockey puck-like case. The case is made of leather and the lid is embossed with the Satin Audio logo. The case is a comfortable and compact size, large enough to carry your IEMs on the go.
The cable comes with a leather cable tie and an authenticity card. Overall, the cable is very well made and the packaging matches the high-quality impression of the cable.
Materials, craftsmanship and ease of use
The Perseus is a pure copper cable and comes with a special shield. The copper is "woven" in a way that gives the cable a unique sound. It is similar to how a coaxial audio cable is made.
The color theme of the cable is rose gold, which looks pretty extraordinary in my opinion. The cable is quite stiff and not as flexible as other Satin Audio cables like the Athena. During use, the cable remains almost in a "state" as it is only half wrapped. This has advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, it means that the cable is quiet and there is generally no cable noise. But it also means that the cable doesn't sit gently over the earlobes during use. The Y-split ring is therefore important to ensure a comfortable and comfortable fit. The standard cable has a Y-split and a connector in dark silver and rose gold, which fits well with the overall theme.
The cable ring is a dark gray metal tab that provides a minimum level of support . The cable connectors are dark silver with a Satin Audio logo and black and red markings for left and right.
In terms of usability, the cable is very suitable for IEMs and headphones. While it isn't as supple as other IEM cables or as I would prefer, it isn't overly stiff either. The cable is also quite light and can therefore be used for hours. The braid is quite compact and the overall cable feels and looks high quality.
Satin Audio offers the ability to customize the cables you purchase, including the Perseus. The connectors are available in a variety of styles including 2-pin and MMCX, and the connectors range from 2.5mm to 4.4mm configurations. There is also the option to use standard Satin Audio plugs, standard Pentaconn or Pentaconn OFC plugs. OFC stands for Oxygen Free Copper and is used in high-quality cables.
Price/performance ratio
The Perseus is available for CHF 739 at the time of writing. Compared to other cables on the market, this is an excellent value considering the high sound quality it offers for certain IEMs. In my opinion, the Satin Audio Perseus offers excellent value for money for anyone looking to upgrade slightly v-shaped IEMs.
Cable sound impressions & IEM pairings
What kind of music does the Perseus go with?
To begin this section, let's discuss what type of music the Perseus would work well with. The Perseus is a copper cable that brings power into an IEM. The Perseus is a copper cable that energizes an IEM by adding sub-bass and bass texture. Therefore, this cable is suitable for those who listen to music with average to above average bass presence and a focus on instruments. For example, pop, EDM, RnB, classical and rock are the perfect genres to combine with the Perseus. If you listen to lighter music with an emphasis on vocals or softer instruments (e.g. jazz), this is also a very good cable for that type of music, although you may find the bass presence a bit overpowering.
Overall sound signature of the Odin with the Satin Audio Perseus cable
The stock cable on the ODIN is the Stormbreaker, which I believe is a 2-wire cable from PWAudio from the 1960s. This is a pure copper cable. The Perseus cable enhances the sub-bass, maintains the bass structure and brings the mids slightly forward. There is no significant change in treble or soundstage. I found the Perseus on the ODIN very enjoyable and it definitely gave the sub-bass and mids that extra "kick" that I prefer in my music.
Comparison with the Odin with the Stormbreaker cable
The Stormbreaker allows the ODIN to maintain its balanced yet detailed sound signature. Additionally, it offers fantastic bass texturing and deep bass depth when needed. Compared to the ODIN's Stormbreaker, the Perseus adds even more energy to the music I listen to and fits my sound preferences perfectly. Compared to the Stormbreaker, the Perseus adds more sub-bass while keeping the overall bass structure the same. The mids are just as detailed and smooth, but more forward. There is no significant change in the heights. Is the Perseus or the Stormbreaker better for the ODIN? This is a question of personal preference. If you prefer a more balanced sound, the Stormbreaker is more suitable. However, if you want an "extra" sub-bass and a mid-frequency kick without neglecting the other qualities of the ODIN, then the Perseus is more suitable.
Subbass & Bass
The sub-bass increases, so the ODIN has a little more depth.The bass is more or less the same and the Perseus was able to maintain the same bass structuring as the Stormbreaker. Overall there is still a strong bass punch and boom, but it was obvious that the sub-bass was deeper compared to the Stormbreaker. The Perseus will not turn the ODIN into a bass cannon and that is not the goal since the ODIN was not built for that. Instead, the Perseus adds the perfect amount of additional sub-bass for my preferences and was a welcome effect of the cable.
The mids become more subtle compared to the Stormbreaker moved to the front, which suits people who prefer to put their instruments and voices in the foreground. The mids are still very detailed and clear, and overall the sound is more engaging. I really liked the effect of the Perseus on the mids of the ODIN.
There are no significant changes in the highs, they tend to be slightly sparkling Page. This is perfect for my taste as I like the sparkling nature of the ODIN and therefore the energy that the Perseus brings to the overall sound. For those who found the ODIN treble on the Stormbreaker harsh, the same "issues" may still exist. I didn't notice any sibilance either.
The soundstage is just as wide and high as the Stormbreaker. In my experience, this fits perfectly with the additional sub-bass and mids of the Perseus.
BONUS - Music tracks: You can feel it in "Hans Zimmer - Why So Serious?" and "Joel Adams - Please Don't Go". Compared to the ODIN, more sub-bass and just as much bass structure. On "Please Don't Go", the drum's initial bass drop has great depth and texture. It's similar with "Why so Serious", where the bass reverberates very strongly in the middle of the song. The sub-bass depth on both tracks is exquisite and enjoyable. However, in "Andrea Moti - I Didn't Tell Them", a jazz piece, the lightness of the trumpet and the female vocals is somewhat reduced by the presence of the sub-bass. In this case I would prefer the ODIN, but only slightly. The mids are further forward, which is evident in "Please Don't Go", where the piano and male vocals are placed further forward. The mids of "ONE OK ROCK - Listen" sound fantastic and are very detailed, especially with the electric guitar in the first verse. You can hear that the vocals and instruments are well placed. The guitar texturing of "Illenium - Good Things Fall Apart" is super detailed and fun to listen to from the first seconds. The vocals in pop, rock and EDM tracks sound fantastic and sibilance-free. In all the tracks I listened to, the highs were particularly present and bright, but not too harsh or exaggerated. The soundstage was wide.
Empire Ears Valkyrie MK II
Overall sound of the Valkyrie MK II with the Satin Audio Perseus cable
With the Perseus you can the Valkyrie MK II retains its V-shaped sound signature. The biggest effect, however, is the improvement in detail and midrange quality. The Perseus pushes the sub-bass a little deeper without affecting the bass structure. The treble is still as sparkling as before with the standard cable. I really enjoyed the effect of the Perseus on the Valkyrie MK II.
Comparison with the Valkyrie MK II with the Audio Alpha IV hybrid cable
The standard Valkyrie MK II cable is the Effect Audio Alpha IV Hybrid, a copper and silver cable.The Perseus cable increases sub-bass, preserves bass structure, adds more detail to the mids and increases the soundstage width. The highs remain the same compared to the Alpha IV hybrid cable and give off a livelier sound.
Deep bass & bass
The deep bass increases and gives the Valkyrie MK II even more depth. The basses remained more or less the same and the Perseus was also able to maintain the same bass structuring. The Perseus turns the Valkyrie into a bigger bass cannon, perfect for those who want to push these IEMs even further.
The mids are compared to the Alpha IV Hybrid moved a little further forward, which is a nice upgrade. They are even more detailed and can be heard more clearly at the lower end of the midrange, where most of the instrumentals are located.
There are no significant changes in the treble and they are more on the sparkly side. This is consistent with my preferences and the overall signature of the Valkyrie MK IIs. I didn't detect any sibilance.
Soundstage: The soundstage is wider and has the same height. This was also a welcome change from the Alpha IV Hybrid cable.
Empire Ears Legend EVO
Overall sound of the Legend EVO with the satin Audio Perseus Cable
The Perseus cable had no significant impact on the overall sound of the Legend EVO. Just like the Genesis cable, the low bass is still very deep and the bass structure is excellent. The mids are still slightly forward and the highs are a little relaxed. The Perseus is a great alternative to the Genesis cable.
Comparison to the Legend EVO with the Genesis cable
The EVO's stock cable is the PWAudio Genesis cable , a pure copper cable. As mentioned earlier, the Legend EVO does not have any significant changes at all sound frequencies, so the Legend EVO retains its original sound signature. The fact that it doesn't change much should be looked at from two different angles: firstly, it may not force you to upgrade the Genesis cable, and secondly, it shows that the Perseus has excellent sound quality to rival the Genesis which is a tailor-made cable for the Legend EVO.
Subbass & Bass
There are no significant changes to the subbass and bass. The sub-bass is still very deep and part of the overall sound. The bass structure is of very high quality.
The mids are still forward and carry the high level of detail to instruments and voices.
The highs haven't changed significantly and still seem relaxed. I didn't notice any hissing sounds.
Soundstage: There is no significant change in the soundstage. In this regard, the soundstage is still wide and high like the Genesis.
Kinera Nanna 2.0 Pro
Overall sound of the Kinera Nanna 2.0 Pro with the Satin Audio Perseus cable
The Kinera Nanna 2.0 Pro (Nanna 2.0) sounds slightly V-shaped with the Perseus cable. The bass is deep and the bass texture is fantastic. The mids are forward and come with great detail. The highs are still relaxed but bordering on the sparkling range. The soundstage is about average.
Comparison with the Kinera Nanna 2.0 Pro standard cable
The Kinera Nanna 2.0 Pro comes with a silver-plated copper cable. The sound of the Kinera Nanna 2.0 is a mild V-shape with front mids and relaxed highs. The Perseus maintains the overall sound signature of the Nanna 2.0, slightly increasing the deep bass depth and soundstage. Regarding the midrange, there is more detail and clarity.
Deep Bass & Bass: The deep bass is a little deeper and the bass is the same as the standard cable. The bass structure is still of high quality.
The mids are forward and the Perseus adds more detail and clarity.
The highs haven't changed significantly and still seem relaxed. However, in some titles they leaned towards the sparkly side. I did not detect any sibilance.
With the Perseus, the soundstage felt a little wider, but was the same height as with the standard cable.
Cable improvement points
Physically speaking, the cable is quite stiff and not very flexible. This means it doesn't bend or shape well when in use. In fact, the cable remains partially wrapped during use. It appears that the cable only has one "state" and maintains it. This is due to the fact that, unlike other cables, the cable has extra shielding that covers the conductors.
Perhaps this could be improved by changing the braiding or structure of the sheath to make it more pliable. In addition, the cable does not always sit comfortably on the ears when in use, but this can be easily remedied by using the cable ring correctly. However, this could also be viewed as a positive. Because the cable is more or less in one "state" and stays in one place, there is hardly any cable noise. Additionally, the cable is not easy to wrap and requires a cable tie to hold it in place.
Cable ring
The cable ring is rather thin and although it does the job, it could be thicker or have more weight to hold the cable better. This is particularly important as the cable is not very pliable and does not wrap smoothly around the ears when using IEMS, which is why the cable ring is an important part of ensuring a good fit. In addition, a thicker cable ring would visually improve the overall appearance of the cable.
The connectors at the end of the cable that connect it to the IEMs are rather generic looking and are the same ones used on all Satin Audio cables. This could be enhanced with different colors (e.g. rose gold) or finishes (shiny metal) to better fit the overall theme of the cable. However, the quality of the connectors is very good.
All in all, the Satin Audio Perseus cable is a fantastic cable and represents a new standard for sound quality for cables in the sub-1000 CHF/USD price range.
It made a great impression on my IEMs and Certain frequencies, especially in the sub-bass and midrange, have been positively changed/improved.
Satin Audio has truly developed a remarkable cable.If you can get past the lack of bend, this is a can't-miss cable for anyone's IEM collection!
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