
Mittwoch Morgen Experiment - DAC vs. DAC
Wednesday morning experiment - DAC vs. DAC

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Jun 09, 2021

Kopfhörer Showdown- Spirit Torino Super Leggera vs. Focal Clear - Audio Essence
Headphones Showdown- Spirit Torino Super Leggera vs. Focal Clear

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Jun 08, 2021

Wie es euch gefällt - Empire Ears Custom In Ears - Audio Essence
As you like it - Empire Ears Custom In Ears

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Jun 04, 2021

Die Katze im Sack - Zuhause testen - Audio Essence
The pig in a poke - test at home

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the Jun 01, 2021

Besuch aus Italien - Spirit Torino Kopfhörer - Audio Essence
Visit from Italy - Spirit Torino headphones

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the May 26, 2021

Die reine Wahrheit - Empire Ears ESR MKII - Audio Essence
The real truth - Empire Ears ESR MKII

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the May 25, 2021

Die Schatzkiste - Unboxing eines Juwels - Audio Essence
The treasure chest - unboxing a jewel

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the May 21, 2021

Warhaft göttlich - Empire Ears Odin - Audio Essence
Really divine - Empire Ears Odin

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the May 18, 2021

Wie alles begann - Audio Essence
How it all started

from Thomas Scharfenberg at the May 17, 2021