The Treasure Chest - Unboxing a Jewel
Yesterday afternoon I received a 10kg package from Italy that I've been looking forward to for weeks.
After removing several layers of foil and a thick cardboard box, a massive, black "treasure chest" awaits me, secured with 8 large screws.
The elaborate packaging suggests that the contents are valuable.
So I got out the cordless screwdriver and took a look...
The tension rises...
and in the wooden box there is another wooden box.
Wooden box is probably not quite the right word - (jewelry) casket
is probably more appropriate here!
What's in there?
The lid reveals a copy of the "Valkyria", which is limited to 99 pieces worldwide, the pride and joy of Spirit Torino and their absolute top model.
After an initial inspection, I spent the later evening
listening to the gem for the first time. First impressions follow.
I would just like to mention at this point that the planned "quick listen" turned into an extended listening session and my nightly sleep was a little short-changed as a result! ;-)